Category: Gardening & Landscape

I am in Need of a Distraction

I am in need of a distraction, so this weekend I am getting out the new seed catalogs and making lists, and checking them twice. I start with a fixed amount which becomes a small percentage of what I will…

What do you do with Your Old Garden Tools

As you are going through your old garden tools, what do you do with your old garden tools? Take your old tools and repurpose them into “new” garden items. Rusty spades and hand tools can be reborn in new items…

7 Tips for gardeners in 2021 by Eliza Brooks

Eliza Brooks  7 Tips for gardeners in 2021: The last couple of years have seen more and more people turning to gardening as a new hobby. Despite the lack of space for most, newbies are keen on making both…

Unusual Vegetables

Feeling like a new adventure in the garden? Try growing some unusual vegetables. These are not new vegetables because they have been around for thousands of years, but are not common around here. Romanesco (Roman Broccoli) grows a tight, spiral…

Backyard Birds in the Winter

What to feed the backyard birds in the winter. Starting with mixed seeds which are good for beginners bringing different types of birds to your feeder. They can be messy because birds will pick them through to get to the…

Sweet Potato vs Yam

The terms sweet potato vs yam are used interchangeably on canned ingredients in cooking and at the grocery stores. But they are totally different roots. The sweet potato is in the morning glory family and the yam is in the…

New Trends in the Garden and Flowerbeds

As with everything changing with the New Year, there are even new trends in the garden and flowerbeds. We are going back to the basics as in brighter colors in the flowerbeds with easy to grow plants. Many will be…

African Violets

Got room on a dresser or counter and the area needs some color? Try African violets. I used a 3-foot fluorescent light on a counter and grew over a dozen plants. My plants came from Marion Burtz the violet lady…


What is bonsai? First, many people think that only certain plants can be used in bonsai. No, any tree or shrub can be made to grow bonsai. You can also buy dwarf trees and shrubs that were grown for bonsai…

Christmas Gift for a Gardener

Looking for a Christmas gift for a gardener? Newer products coming out in 2021 for gardeners can be found in many garden catalogs his year. Starting with the Smart Pot® which is a container 20-, 10-, or 5-gallon size. Made…

All-American Selection

Every year the All-American Selection of vegetables and flowers comes out with winners of excellence in hardiness and breeding for the upcoming year. This year’s flowers begin with a celosia called Candela Pink. It has bright pink blooms with keep…

Christmas Cactus

There are 3 types of remarkably similar cacti called Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, and Easter cactus. What separates them are the blooming times. The Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti need around 6 weeks of short days to initiate blooming. The Easter…

Pointsettia Plant

The most popular houseplant for the bringing in of Christmas is the poinsettia plant. The plant comes from the tropics so that should tell you it needs some warmth. The most common mistake is when you buy one and transport…

Air Plant

If you can not grow any plant indoors, try an air plant. The varieties come in many foliage colors, textures, sizes (2” to 12” tall), and flower colors. They absorb moisture and nutrients from the air through their leaves. This…