Category: Container gardening

Jazzing up your Outdoor Space

Sure thing! When it comes to jazzing up your outdoor space with some funky planters, the possibilities are endless! You can get creative by repurposing all sorts of stuff you might otherwise toss out. Think old tires that can be…

Curb Appeal through Container Gardening

Admit it: your house might not be the dumpiest on the street, but it could probably use a little pick-me-up. It doesn’t take much to spruce up your house and add a little extra curb appeal, especially through container gardening.…

Stunning Flowerpots

Creating stunning flowerpots for your patio or front yard takes three things: a thriller, a filler, and a spiller. A thriller is the tallest plant in the center of the pot with colorful foliage or flowers. The spiller is the…

Any type of Container will make a Flowerpot

Any type of container will make a flowerpot. The bigger the better because the soil will not dry out as fast. The trend is to use old farm containers like buckets and wringer washing machines and plant flowers into them.…

African Daisy or Cape Marigold

The African Daisy or Cape Marigold are commonly called by their fancy name “Osteospermum”. You commonly find these plants in the greenhouses coming mainly in yellow and purple but many colors in between. They make for great plants in containers.…

Bachelor Button Flower

Bachelor Button flower in the garden, I have been growing these ever since I was a little boy. Mother bought a Gurney seed packet for kids and this was one of the seeds in it. The bachelor button flower grows…


With flowerpots, bigger is better. They do not dry out as fast and they hold more types of plants for larger root growth making for a dazzling display. The pot must have a drainage hole, so the roots do not…

Summer Blooming Bulbs

Wait until the soil temps are 55 or above to plant summer blooming bulbs. You can get a head start by planting your bulbs early. I have started cannas in 6-inch pots a month before placing them outside. Plant them…

Fresh Kitchen Herbs

Herbs in tin cans indoors

Keep your kitchen supplied with fresh herbs all year with varieties that thrive on a sunny windowsill or under grow lights. For good results, give each plant their own pot. That way they can grow more swiftly. Perennial herbs, such as rosemary, oregano, thyme, chives,…

Begonias make Excellent Houseplants

I’ve been personally perennializing my begonias for many years indoors. I can say from experience that it is super easy. Taking them in their pots in the fall, begonias make excellent houseplants. But before we get into the details, we…

Alpine Strawberries

Alpine strawberries cause confusion, as sometimes they’re considered wild, and sometimes they’re not. They’re generally of the genus Fragaria vesca, which grows wild in northern Europe. They can be both red or white. If you do a search online for…

Growing Herbs in Pots and Planters

By growing herbs in pots and planters, you can grow tender perennials, such as rosemary and flowering sages year-round. I just bring them indoors in the fall. In addition, container gardening is a good option for gardeners who have limited…

Container Gardening

Container gardening is a super-easy way to dress up your front porch, add a splash of color to shady areas, or cope with poor soil in your yard. Many plants thrive in containers. The most important thing is good drainage.…

Go Creative with Plant Containers

Flowers and plants add color and a cozy touch to any indoor or outdoor space—but you don’t have to stick with boring, conventional containers to house your blooms or greenery. Get creative and make use of items already in your…

Planting Flower Containers

To provide visual interest to a flower container, follow the concept of planting flower pots “Thriller Spiller Filler”. In that, you have to combine plants of different heights and sprawling habit in each pot. 1. Thriller Thrillers are tall, upright…